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Personal Injury

A personal injury lawsuit may be brought by a person who suffered bodily injury as a result of the negligence, reckless conduct, or intentional misconduct by another person or entity.  The injured person may be compensated for his or her medical bills, actual expenses incurred, and any property damages.  Further, the injured person may be compensated for non-economic damages including, but necessarily limited to, pain and suffering, as well as mental anguish.

Wrongful Death

A wrongful death lawsuit may be brought against a person who can be held liable for the death of another person.  The lawsuit is usually brought by close relatives such as the surviving spouse or children of the decedent.  Any fatality caused by the wrongful acts of another may result in a wrongful death claim. Most wrongful death claims are premised upon the negligence of the responsible party, including deaths caused by motor vehicle accident, dangerous roadway,  defective vehicle, and failure to maintain premises or property.

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